The Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton

Raised in a multi-cultural and mixed-race heritage of First Nations (Shackan, British Columbia), Pennsylvania Dutch and Scots-Irish, Rachel has had a life-long passion for cross-cultural communication, preservation of traditional life ways and folk traditions, social diversity and ethnic ministries. She has over 25 years of experience in working with the needs of diverse communities, providing leadership and consultation in recovery processes related to community and organizational trauma.

Rachel holds a BA in Theater Arts from SUNY Geneseo, an MA in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, an MDiv from Loyola University in Chicago. Her post-graduate work at Indiana University was in the area of Folklore Studies, specializing in the role of symbol systems and folk heroes within processes of transformational cultural change and adaptive community identity.
Ordained as a priest in 2004, Rachel has served throughout her tenure in the Diocese of Olympia on various diocesan councils and committees of the General Convention of The Episcopal Church. She is a committed advocate for social justice concerns and restorative justice in civic policy development. Rachel is currently Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Everett, WA, which serves as a hub congregation supporting advocacy work for refugees and immigrants in the Episcopal Diocese of Western Washington.