Prayer Shawl Ministry

Trinity’s Shawl Ministry is a group of men and women who pray for comfort and healing while knitting (or crocheting) shawls. These shawls are given to anyone who needs to be touched by prayerful concern. The completed shawls are blessed each Sunday following the 8:00 AM Service except when the Prayer Shawl group meets the first Saturday of each month, then those shawls are blessed at the 10:00 AM Service. The meetings are from 10:00-11:00 AM in the Guild Room.

Not much knitting is accomplished at this time, as we use it for fellowship and to relate stories of our shawls and how they have made a difference for the ones who have received them. We also share knitting techniques and learn from each other. All are welcome to join us. Yarn is available and so is instruction. Much yarn is donated and we often spend time sorting it according to color.

Shawls are also made for wedding couples and expectant mothers. We knit pocket prayer shawls for those serving in the armed forces.

Many of our shawls are taken to Hospice to use in their service to terminally ill patients. In 2013 we received a presidential award for our hours of service to hospice.

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